Blitz (188/213)

From:Rob Hutchinson
Date:18 May 2000 at 17:05:07
Subject:Re: Satanic Dreams - TCP/IP and MUI libraries...

> > I added PILES of stuff.. Though most of it is just crap and for the lazy
> > people
> > like me.. It was my plan to rip out the shortcut commands, the NList
> > (the List stuff that was duplicated for NList) Because it didn`t work
> > properly.
> Eh? In what way? It works fine here...

There were lots of problems.. It was mainly to do with the way hooks were
implemented into the library originally before I started "updating" it. :)

There is no real way to do hooks in the library without building them
manually, and the hook system that was used with MUIList and such
was a bodge.

> > And add a few notes and examples on how to use NList hooks. So it can
> > be done properly.. Give me a bell if you manage to figure out a way to
> > build NList hooks with a command.. I could never figure a way to do it..
> > Except actually building the hook with ASM instructions in memory
> > (sort of like the dispatcher hook code but much more complex).
> I don't think it would be possible to do it with a command...possibly add
> command so people can easily "add" the hook to the NList object...

Already done. MUIHookToNList()

> >> Anyway, I'll post the current version of the TCP library up on my
> >> homepage somemtime this evening, for those of you that can't find it on
> >> the SDS homepage (I know I can't :).
> > There isn`t a page for it..
> > I just gave out the URLs here.
> Sounds about right...

Page is curretly in the process of a MASSIVE re-write. Seems no point in
adding links to my blitz stuff now, since you`ll be able to get TCPLib and
EFMUILib2 from ricks site soon :)

> > Though I added commands for IP grabbing, IP converting, host grabbing,
> > etc..
> > to V2.1 which wasn`t released, but Rick has now.. So will be good if you
> > could
> > make some additions to the docs and release V2.1? The commands I`m sure
> > are highlighted as added to V2.1 somewhere in the code (possibly).
> They are indeed commented, I'll have to do a little experimentation to
> out what they all actually do tho :)

Sorry there are few comments in the code. This was the first bit of ASM I
commented, cos there was a rush to get the first version out, and it was
written in
less than a week.

> > Also Rick, the 2-Way chat program I did that I sent you, has a command
> > setting up and binding a socket.. which I was about to convert to ASM
> > then release V2.1. But never got round to it :(.. It should be easy
> > for you
> > to convert. :)
> I already have it half done, except that even tho it does actually bind
> port, it always returns a "-1" failure...if I can't get t figuredd out by
> these weekend, I'll release the 2.1 version as it stands.

There were some problems with the fuctions anyway, didn`t return correctly
because I was just fiddling and didn`t get to finish the routine properly.

Rob, "No Sig", Hutchinson.

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